Final Project: Algorithms and Scripting for Parametric Design

ARCH 655: Project 2 Somaye Seddighi The Image of the Physical Model [1] Project: The Main Station Stuttgart: Stuttgart 21 Location : Stuttgart, Germany Built: Under Construction International Competition 1997, 1 st Prize GFA: 185000 m 2 Project one recreated and remodeled the Main Stuttgart Station with Rhinoceros 6.0 and Grasshopper parametric tools and definition, such as Kangaroo 0.99 and 2.00. Project two will optimize the model again by Rhinoceros 6.0 and Grasshopper parametric tools and definitions, such as Python. In this project, the first part of the column, the more challenging part of the chalices, is optimized. At first, one curve from Rhino imported to the Grasshopper. It is used as a base for command Taper. In this command, one curve and one axis in Rhino are selected at the same time. For the next step, the upper edge of t...